Cindy Vojnovic
Artist and Art Educator
Solo Exhibition "From the Earth", March 15-June 7 at Book & Puppet Co. Easton, PA
Recent WorkSolo Exhibition From the Earth, at Book & Puppet, Easton PA-March 15-June 7 2025
TeachingNCC East 40 Natural Dye and ceramics classes this summer
ESU Credit Classes: Register soon for fall classes 2 sections Intro and 1 section Advanced Ceramics |
PortfolioPrevious work
The video below was made for my "From the Ground, Imaginary Landscapes" exhibition. The exhibition came out of my 2022 residency at the NCC East 40, and this video features the sights and sounds of the East 40, and footage of me making the supplies I used to make the paintings for the exhibition. The paintings in the exhibition use 8 natural pigments that I processed and made into oil paints, White is the only purchased paint that was used in any of the 27 paintings on display in the exhibition.